Other Services


The ICCC publishes a bi-annual newsletter covering different aspects of Irish-Canadian trade and commerce, membership news, activities, as well as other information of interest and will furnish its membership with other business news material and publications relevant to the Irish-Quebec business community.

Personal Development

The ICCC is pleased to host a selection of business seminars. Subjects may focus on current issues, marketing tools, and management training. We may also promote select personal development seminars, webinars, and workshops organised by other chambers of commerce and by ICCC members.


New members are showcased in the first newsletter following their membership approval by the ICCC board.

All members may update their company listing in the ICCC online business directory at any time.

In addition, we are happy to disseminate corporate and personal development news on their behalf in the ICCC newsletter, website and social media outlets. An early social media adopter, ICCC Montreal manages the lively ICCC LinkedIn group for all of Canada and also has an active Twitter and Facebook presence.

If you have news you’d like to share with Chamber members, or for information on promoting your company through event sponsorship, please e-mail office@icccmtl.com.

Irish Community Events

In addition to its proprietary events, the ICCC serves as a conduit for selected activities that may interest the broader Irish community.

Each year, the Chamber organises a Tourism Ireland evening for media and the Irish community.

Jointly hosted activities include a ConnectIreland evening, where attendees were encouraged to support job creation in Ireland through their global connections.

An organisation devoted to promoting partnerships and making connections, the chamber is a staunch supporter of the Irish Immigrant Integration Initiative (IIII) in Montreal. The initiative, which is funded by the St. Patrick’s Society of Montreal and by the government of Ireland, has the aim of helping newly arrived Irish immigrants create local networks and receive a strong community helping hand in their job search and integration efforts.


The ICCC advocates on topics relating to improving Ireland-Canada business conditions, and making commercial connections between both countries.